Table Talk | 对话北卡州首位女性州财政部长:资产管理行业中的女性力量 (20181127)

在本期Table Talk中,薇仁采访了非盈利组织Girls Who Invest的CEO Janet Cowell,该组织旨在培养年轻女性人才投身#资产管理 行业。

Girls Who Invest成立于2015年,其宗旨是增强女性在资产管理行业投资管理的执行#领导力。

In this episode of Table Talk, Carol interviewed Janet Cowell, CEO of the non-profit organization "Girls Who Invest" which seeks to create a pipeline of young female talents and to set them up for success in the asset management industry.

Founded in 2015, Girls Who Invest has one mission - to increase the number of women in portfolio management and executive leadership in the asset management industry. Listen in for more!


嘉宾介绍: Janet Cowell

Janet Cowell 是Girls Who Invest的首席执行官。 Cowell热衷于为他人服务,在加入Girls Who Invest之前,她在北卡罗来纳州从政十五年。作为i北卡罗来纳州第一位当选州财政部长的女性,她为超过900,000人管理超过1000亿美元的资产以及健康和退休福利基金。在担任州财政部长的八年间,Cowell持续取得卓越的成绩,并获得全国级别的认可:她保持了北卡罗来纳州的AAA级债券评级 - 这是在所有三家评级机构中全部拥有AAA债券评级的十个州之一 - 并将养老金资产从60亿美元增加到900亿美元,实现八年回报率超过7.5%。



Cowell是James River集团保险公司(纳斯达克股票代码:JRVR),Channel Advisor(纽约证券交易所代码:ECOM)和国际人类发展机构(international human development agency)FHI360的董事会成员,此外还为各种非营利组织提供志愿服务。她毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学,并获得沃顿商学院和劳德研究所的MBA和国际关系学硕士学位。

Janet Cowell is Chief Executive Officer for Girls Who Invest. Passionate about serving others, Cowell held publicly elected offices in North Carolina for fifteen years prior to joining Girls Who Invest. The first woman elected State Treasurer, she managed over $100 billion in assets, and health and retirement benefits, for over 900,000 members. During her eight years as Treasurer, Cowell consistently achieved exceptional results and national recognition: she maintained North Carolina’s AAA bond rating—one of only ten states with a AAA bond rating from all three rating agencies—and grew pension assets from $60 to $90 billion, achieving an eight-year return of over 7.5 percent.

Cowell also believes in the power of education. She chairs the Executive Education Board of the Wharton School of Business. During her time as Treasurer, she was a member of the North Carolina Community College Board and State School Board.

Prior to public service, Cowell held positions in the private sector in the U.S. and abroad. She was a securities analyst for Lehman Brothers and HSBC in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, and a business consultant with Sibson & Company working with U.S. Fortune 500 companies.

Cowell serves on the boards of James River Group Insurance (NASDAQ: JRVR), Channel Advisor (NYSE:ECOM), and international human development agency FHI360, in addition to volunteering for various non-profits. She is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and earned her MBA and MA in International Studies from the Wharton School of Business and the Lauder Institute.




联系Janet Cowell和她的团队:






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